Profit, Protect & Publish.

Add independent, untracked, transparent search capability to your website, where visitors can search across the Web’s fastest-growing Index with billions of unique URL’s.

The Answer to Big Tech Censorship

INDEXR is the independent power search alternative that enables broader and deeper searches and fact-checking outside Big Tech’s manipulation and control.

Intelligent Search Results

INDEXR web and video Index provides an ideal space for AI training, research and fact checking.

Add New Revenue

And Stay Monetized

Join our alternative advertising solution across our vast partner network without fear of demonetization. Please submit your site.

Generate New ROI Success

Reach a growing audience outside Big Tech’s grip with their falsely subsidized ROI metrics dominated more and more by non-human bots. Gain new customers by delivering trustworthy search results based on a Visitor’s single-session interest. INDEXR is the first permission-based advertising channel built on transparency and interruption-free web experiences.