We encourage getting indexed on INDEXR to expand the access to free and open online content exchange and expand the reach of your content across our vast licensed INDEXR network. Simply enter the URL for your website content or sitemap URL (for ongoing full website inclusion) and select the most relevant category. Please note that spamming or multiple submissions will not help boost your content and will actually cause our systems to demote your content for violation of our Zero Tolerance Policy. Please read our Zero Tolerance Policy before you submit your site.

Website URL or Sitemap URL

We prohibit content that supports, depicts or disseminates child abuse, child nudity, sexual exploitation of children, human trafficking, animal abuse, illegal substances, organ harvesting, election tampering, SEO spamming or any content that could cause harm in digital or real-world format. When we become aware of any such content; which is in direct violation, we will take immediate action to remove such content, terminate access if applicable, and report cases to NCMEC and law enforcement as appropriate. If this is not clear enough,  INDEXR has strict compliance standards and a zero-tolerance policy regarding illicit content. INDEXR employs the technologies of several established digital filtering and moderation tools; such as Microsoft’s PhotoDNA. Furthermore, INDEXR’s Enforcement Policy is absolute – content deemed criminal or sufficiently criminal by proxy will be referred to the appropriate Law Enforcement Authorities.